Choosing a ripe and sweet watermelon can be tricky, but here are some tips to help you select the best one:

Choosing a ripe and sweet watermelon can be tricky, but here are some tips to help you select the best one:

Here is what you need to look for when Choosing a ripe Sweet Watermelon. First for a symmetrical watermelon. It should be uniform in shape, without any lumps or bumps.

Check the skin of the watermelon. It should be smooth, with no cracks, bruises or soft spots. The skin should be dull, not shiny.

Tap the watermelon. It should sound hollow when tapped. A dull thud can indicate that the watermelon is underripe or overripe.

Pick up the watermelon. It should feel heavy for its size. A watermelon that feels light may be dry and lacking in flavor.

Look for a yellow spot. This is where the watermelon rested on the ground while it was growing. The yellow spot should be creamy yellow, not white. A white or green spot can indicate that the watermelon is underripe.

Check the shape of the watermelon. A long, uniform shape can indicate that the watermelon had plenty of space to grow and is likely to be sweet and juicy.

Consider the season. Watermelons are typically in season during the summer months, from June to August. Watermelons that are in season are likely to be more flavorful than those that are out of season.

Overall, the best way to choose a ripe and sweet watermelon is to use a combination of these tips and your own senses. Practice makes perfect, and over time, you’ll develop a better sense of what a good watermelon looks, feels, and sounds like.


Watermelons you can grow in your backyard.

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